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February 2010

Mon analyse des DRMs pour eBouqin.fr http://bit.ly/b9Aeyw
[For those who don't read french, don't worry I'll translate this ASAP.]

Sur eBouquin.fr se tient actuellement un débat sur les DRMs, j'ai posté aujourd'hui mon analyse et vision sur les DRMs. Voici ce que j'ai posté:

J?étais justement en train d?élaborer ma petite théorie/analyse sur les DRMs?

Si on considère les deux extrèmes de la chaine : l?écrivain et le lecteur, et si chacun peut dire oui ou non aux DRMs, on a quatre possibilités :
1. Donner le pouvoir aux plateformes de la distribution
2. Bidouillages
3. Amour Impossible
4. Confiance Aveugle
Je pense que comme lecteurs nous devrons nous accomoder des DRMs au début mais je crois dans une évolution ou les DRMs sont progressivement supprimés.

Pour ne pas copier une tartine ici, j?ai fait un document à downloader:
Bien à vous

La luge topless: nouveau sport olympique ? http://bit.ly/dBAte2
@actudesebooks Lien ne marche pas : lecteurs ebook pour enfants
[AppePaper Blog] : ePaper Retail Solutions : Marisense and ZBD : http://bit.ly/am6skN
ePaper has more application than eBooks for the publishing industry.  ePaper also offers solutions for the Retail Industry.

ePaper can be used to show product prices and promotions in the store and on the shelves.

Here are two suppliers who provide added value in the Retail Industry using "ePaper" : MariSense and ZBD.


Marisense's solution is called the Ella Retail Solution. "We [Marisense] believe that Ella Retail Solution introduces a brand new way to make your store operations more efficient and productive, and simultaneously improve customer satisfaction."

Marisense makes Large and Shelf labels using eInk:

Images Source : http://www.marisense.com/

ZBD uses a technolgy called Zenithal Bistable Display (ZBD®). "ZBD  is the first commercially available LCD that uses surface bistability ZBD's". It's a  "Completely new solution enabled by true electronic paper display technology that is flexible and thin, non-reflective, has excellent reading angle of over 170° and also optical characteristics similar to paper."
"ZBD?s electronic shelf labelling solution empowers retailers with the ability to manage pricing, promotions and product information at the point of purchase, dynamically. We offer a total store solution that is simple to deploy, and cost-effective store-wide.

Replacing paper labels with ZBD?s electronic shelf labelling solution makes commercial sense, because updating paper labels is time-consuming, labour-intensive, and often error-prone. But that is only part of the story. The real benefit from ZBD?s solution is the control that retailers gain from the system."

Image Source : ZBDSolutions.com

Having a look at DyA - Dynamic Architecture : http://bit.ly/ahojHv #EA
LOL - YouTube - Dacia Sandero Experts - episode -2 http://bit.ly/ddHFi8
LOL - Dacia Sandero Experts Courchevel - episode 1 - http://bit.ly/cKsz6j
RT @robinwauters: Late with this but LOL RT @mikebutcher: By @TheOnion - Tiger Woods Announces Return To Sex http://onion.com/cv3tEk
Tout progrès dépend de l'homme déraisonnable (Europe 1, 28 Jan2010, 8H13)
RT @aleks2401: NOUVEAU SUR LE BLOG - (AUTRE) Enfin un nouveau cinéma à Louvain La Neuve - http://bit.ly/a2Kov6
Dans une communication, le fond compte pour 7%, la forme pour 38% et la gestuelle pour 55%. via Blogasty09 http://bit.ly/dBYr0A
Will eBook Readers seduce companies ? http://bit.ly/9F5LTz #epaper
The question was asked somewhere on Linked In.

For me, 'workflow' is related to the flow of people's work.

A Business Process is larger : in general it will include a workflow (represented by Actors roles and human tasks) except if this business process is fully automatic (which is in practice never the case).

BPM has M for "Management" in it so : How do you manage (Model, Assemble, Monitor, Improve) your processes and in particular your workflows.

See a part of the discussion here :
My 50 Cents : BPM Vs Workflow what is the difference ? http://bit.ly/dC9S6w
Workflow vs BPM what is the difference ? | Codefreez http://bit.ly/9b0DUf
This question was raised on a French blog I'm following.

To summarize this article says it's "Urgent to Wait" for companies before deciding to invest in ePaper ereaders.The functionality and price has ti be considered carefully.

I believe there are at least 2 viable cases for ePaper readers in a professional context.

1. for those who spend a lot of time reading or proof reading (Research&Development,  Business Managers who need to review offers before they are sent out, publishers who want to read before printing...)

2. for those who want to print less and would accept an eReader as a company bonus

In any way, I recommend a large model with a screen size allowing to read A4 or letter documents (for example, the IREX DR1000S or equivalent)

In French:

.... l'utilisation d'un eReader doit être bien ciblée en entreprise. Entre un PDA, un Tablet PC, un Netbook, le cas d'utilisation devrait être bien étudié avant d'investir dans du ePaper.

Cependant, je pense qu'il y a au moins deux modèles viables:
- ceux qui passent beaucoup de temps a lire ou relire des documents (chercheurs, chefs d'entreprises qui doivent revoir les offres avant de les approuver, personnes travaillant dans l'édition...)
- ceux qui désirent imprimer moins et considèrent un lecteur ePaper comme un cadeau ou un Bonus que leur entreprise leur fait.

This Mirasol display looks really good. http://bit.ly/cnaanu
Applications of ePaper : eGovernment : At the Parliament : http://bit.ly/dwqXuT
First time I eat a Dr Oetker pizza : Quatro Stagionni. http://bit.ly/dyZUtz. It was delicious.
A parliament is an organization that uses a lot of documents. Each time a Parliamentary Session is held, a report is sent to all members. This creates a lot of documents. For instance, the European Parliament has reports in 22 languages.

Using an eReader will allow the members of the parliament to download those reports as soon as they are available and save meters of paper at the same time.

See two examples here : http://bit.ly/dwqXuT
IBM wants to write applications for the iPad : http://bit.ly/b3sGvO

|| >> January 2010 >>